Sunday, April 30, 2006
{ Sunday, April 30, 2006 }
Not saying anything bad or wadever.. But my class is so weired.. There are peoples mother still beating them..I mean beat nvm la but cut the hair? Wad kind of beating is that? Which mother will cut her own child`s hair because he or she is naughty? If the kid`s naughty,let them be grounded why whack till to bad? Tsk tsk tsk,parents now adays,So terrible!Well getting on with my life,Nothing is happening so far.. Having exams.. So sux! Have to start studying.. boo hoo..wad a pain!There are some people in my school which are so arrogant..They act so big! I mean plz..One slap and P00f u will be Over..Well nites guys!!
ThIs iS ShaReN
SiGnInG OuT!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
{ Sunday, April 16, 2006 }
Well i thought today would be one of those boring old daes..Once agian i was wrong!
First after my religious class,i went to my aunty`s house for lunch.It was a get together type of lunch.After that we left the house about 4pm. We went to poly club,My cusion,brother and i went swimming,while my uncle and dad were talking at the other corner.After swimming we went to ghim moh to eat.We ate delicious but yet spicy food.And now i am at my cusion`s house writting this blog! Can`t wait fore tomorrow,as i am attending a fun and exciting fun fair! Well cya soon.Remember to leave a comment or even a tag message.Thx
LoGgInG OfF:
Saturday, April 15, 2006
{ Saturday, April 15, 2006 }
hey guys,sorry bout not posting for so long.. Yup well my life is not that intresting so far. But there is some hot newz..My class is so childish.I mean tere are still people crying because of what people think of them! I mean how childish can a person get??!! Why must u care what others think of u? It is not our problem,let them think wad they wanna think! Well i so cant wait for this sunday! every year,16th April will be the best dae of my life! Its the day i celebrate! i mean there will be games,matches,dancing! Well i so cant wait!! Cya!!
LoGgIng oFf: